Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Week 2 Post A

Definitions found at www.dictionary.com

abysmal:(Gilbert, 17) A greatness beyond measure

disaphanous: (Gilbert, 25) Having two heads

androgynous: (Gilbert, 27) Having both male and female characteristics


"True wisdom gives the only possible answer at given moment, and that night, going back to bed was the only possible answer." (Gilbert, 16). I definately think this is an emotional appeal and it definately provokes thought in people. Here, when Liz is praying, she wasn't expecting a definate answer to her current problems that she is praying about. The honest rational voice said just to go back to bed, because that was the most logical thing to do. That voice didn't say "stay up all night and think about if deciding to divorce is the right decision" because then she would be so exhausted and wasted the next day tat she wouldn't be able to thin clearly. I think that sometimes, the right answer is just expected, when relly, the thing that most likely comes to mind is generally wahts best for the moment. True wisdom. Word.

"To find the balance you want [...] this is what you must become. You must keep your feet grounded so firmly on the earth that it's like you have four legs instead of two. That way, you can stay in the wold. But you must stop looking at the world through your head. You must look through your heart, instead." (Gilbert, 27) So far in the book I am under the impression that Liz has a very hard time staying grounded,so when the medicine man in Indonesia tells her that she must stay grounded in order to be closest to God. I think it is interesting that the medicine man would say that you must be so grounded as if you have four legs instead of two.

"Because how could two people who were so in love not end up happily ever after?" (Gilbert, 22) This is where I really feel for Liz. She has such a hard time with love and finding a commitment to a man who doesn't "burn out" on loving her. First its her failed marriage with her soon to be ex husband, and then David, who she keeps breaking up with, and then aquiring more confidence outside the relationship and then goes back to him. She just cannot seem to get the men situation right--even though the "men situation" is part of the foundation for this book.


"It is better to live a life of single-pointed focus, he [Rumi] taught." (Gilbert, 29). Liz has spent most of her life doing everything the right and expected way. She pays her bills on tie, she never misses a deadline, voted, took care of loved ones, etc., but since her life has so many points of focus, she finds her life more scattered and as far from complete as most people get in heir lifetimes.

Now I am STILL thinking that the theme of this memoir is how to rediscover yorself and just make sure that your emotional and spiritual ducks are in a row to make sure that you are a spiritual and physical and emotional whole.


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