Monday, November 26, 2007

[Post A Week 3]


commune (65): to converse or talk together, usually with profound intensity, intimacy

biddy (83): a chicken OR a newly hatched chick.


"Spring twitches impatiently in its seat like a child wanting to go outside, straining towards summer..." (79)
This is a very good similie, and an excellent description of how the seasons are changing. It is good to see some brightness and a chance for things to look up after Katie's father's suicide.

" 'Scritchy kisses!' she strieked. i could see them without even looking, rubbing their cheeks together, lips pursed, like a pair of fish" (85)
Opa, Katie's paternal grandfather is trying to give Kate the utmost amount of love possible, due to her father's suicide. Kate's mom, Claire describes it as Kate is so sad that she doesn't even know (how sad she is) how much sadness she even feels for this loss. This is a similie, when Opa was kissing Kate.

"She surveyed her crowded kitchen, the refrigerator and freezer having long since run out of space and spilled over with covered dishes that took up every inch of counter space." (90) This is very descripitive language, because the the refigerator and freezer cannot "spill" so it's giing a different characteristic to the fridge and freezer. Hornbacher is talking about how because of the father's death, the enire town comes over with hot dishes and food to help the family mourn.


I think the theme is how one family tragedy(crisis) really shows the different coping mechanisms as individuals, and as the entire family after, in this case, a suicide.

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