Tuesday, April 15, 2008

<>Week 1- Letter<>

Dear Ayaan,

When I walked through the book store and found your book, I was very curious about the Somali culture. I looked forward to see your experiences as a "freedom fighter". It is evident right from the get go that you had a fighting spirit in you, even though your grandmother told your mother that you were stupid and useless. The strict nature of your religion and your courage to escape it were admirable on contact. However, I am finding the start to your book very slow and it is difficult for me to feel engaged in what is going on. It is understandable that you want to build up some of the history that goes along with your story (your grandmother and mother, absent father, etc) but it is done in an unfortunately slow manor. Following all of your family members and the story switching between your mother's childhood and that of your grandmother is challenging. I feel like it's not off to a great start, but hopefully it will improve, otherwise it is going to be a long quarter.


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