Monday, October 22, 2007

Reflection & Ending Thoughts [Post B]

Ohhh shucks. The last blog post on my outside reading memoir Eat Pray Love--just when I was getting the hang of managing reading and posting...

Dearest Liz,

Liz, as I finished the book tonight, felt sorrow as I realized that the last few pages were becoming even fewer. I feel like you have become my best friend, and mentor over the past weeks. I am so envious of your spiritual journey that made you such an amazing person. Who knew that rediscovering passion, prayer and balance could be found in traveling the world.
It's hard to believe at the end of the book that you are the same as that Liz who was on her bathroom floor, bawling her eyes out because she was so unhappy.Most everyone has done that, myself included. But that middle of the night tear-fest was one that actually changed your life.
Your little philosophies, and sayings about life stuck to me, and make me reflect at many moments of the day on my life and my actions. I'm proud of you Liz. You did a wonderful job, and through your transformation, although not as great as yours, transformed me. You are an amazing person,with an amazing heart (like when you raised all that money to Tutti and her mom to buy a new home in Indonesia!!) and I'm so happy for you and your new love, Felipe. You deserve it.
Allow me to share a word of wisdom that was passed to me from a very wise senior at Edina High School... When anyone makes you feel less than you are, especially yourself, tell yourself that "I am beautifully and wonderfully created."**
Pleased and grateful,


**I would like to thank Eric for his wise words able to combat my self doubts. You inspire me, and frankly, rock =)

1 comment:

RBC's Blog said...

Once again, you have done a very nice job on your blog post! It seems like the book you read was really good and I can't wait to read it! The author seems really inspirational!